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Payment Deadline: May 31th, 2025

Congress fees (gross price):
 The participation – 380 €
 The participation (member of PTNSS) – 310 €
 PhD students and students – 220 €

Additional fees (only for congress participants):
 Additional conference materials  90 € (gross price)
Exhibitors – list of available packages (soon)

Congress fee must be transferred into the following bank account:

Account holder:

Polish Scientific Society of Combustion Engines
60-965 Poznań, Pl. M. Skłodowskiej-Curie 5, Poland

Bank: Santander Bank Polska
IBAN: PL 02 1090 1854 0000 0001 5303 5351

please add a note: PTNSS CONGRESS 2025 - Name and surname

Congress fee does not include hotel accommodation.
All participants are required to book and cover the cost of accommodation.

We will provide you with suggestions for hotels in due time.